What a month!
almost 3 years ago
– Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 03:59:33 PM
The campaign was a success, and it was all thanks to YOU!
Jackie and I are completely overwhelmed and thankful for your support, and we are so thrilled that we finally get to make The Cursed Arrows Oracle cards to send to you. This was our first Kickstarter, so we are so pleased that it resonated with so many of you and ended well.
You'll all be getting emails in the coming days with a survey so we can make sure that we send your rewards to the correct address. The funds are disbursed to us 2 weeks from now, and we'll keep you all posted on our progress as we send the order for manufacturing and follow the process along.
This really was the first time I put my artwork into the world with such fervour and determination, so it was initially somewhat terrifying to have taken such a leap. The whole thing was an incredible learning experience, and I definitely made some mistakes along the way, but in the end the cards are going to be real very soon, and that to me is a huge victory.
We can't wait for you all to see what we have made. Thank you again!
We are so close! 3 days left!!
almost 3 years ago
– Sun, Apr 17, 2022 at 04:53:51 AM
On one hand, I've deeply felt every one of the many days of this campaign (feeling 😴); and on the other hand it feels to have passed so quickly! We only have 3 days left!
As I write this, we are SO CLOSE to hitting our goal! 92%! We couldn't have got this far without your support - and not only financial! Your emotional, spiritual support for this project has been received graciously, and we are eternally thankful to have even made it this far. Lets keep going and make thrse cards a reality!
Surprise giveaway draw!
almost 3 years ago
– Tue, Apr 12, 2022 at 07:48:51 PM
Hello all,
As a thank you to you all, everyone who pledged to our campaign (or does in thr coming days) will also be entered in a draw for one of 7 mini-original pieces of art. This is the first one I did - a sneaky space snake. I made it with india ink and grape ink on paper. Tell your friends if you can! Spread the word, and let's get this thing funded!
9 days to go!
almost 3 years ago
– Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 11:31:18 AM
Hello again everyone!
It's hard to believe how quickly the time has gone, but there are only nine days left in our campaign! We are 70% funded now, and reaching the home stretch. You have all been so wonderful throughout this process. It's been a real learning experience for Jackie and I, with this being our very first Kickstarter campaign. You've all made it such an enjoyable journey, and really given us both a lot of confidence that we are doing the right thing by putting these cards into the world.
Right now I'm finalizing the box design, as well as working on getting rhe guidebook design prepared. I don't think I'd anticipated what a huge project this was until it was all happening and I was standing in the middle of it. I think a lot of the best things in life work that way though. You just jump in and go, and find your footing along the way.
Thank you all for sharing in this process with us, and thank you for sharing on social media to get the word out. Every little bit helps, and we need to make sure that we hit our goal so that we ALL can experience The Cursed Arrows Oracle.
- Ryan
9 days in!
almost 3 years ago
– Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 04:02:37 AM
Hello wonderful humans,
To say that we have been happily overwhelmed by the show of support our project has received would be an understatement. We are 9 days in today, and The Cursed Arrows Oracle is nearly 50% funded! We are so thankful for everyone's support, and need your help to spread the word. We want to make these cards a reality, and since you believe in us, we hope that you might tell a friend or two if you get a moment.
This has been a fantastic start to the campaign, and we eagerly await the next 20 days.